Knowing the CPD Approval Process

There are few things to consider in using your CPD applied certificates to Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC). Knowing the process will make you understand how complex the procedure is.

CPD Program Application

Let me discuss first the how a program/course is being applied to PRC for corresponding units. To start with, a training center must submit the program with the requirements such as instructional design, CVs of the instructors, program of activities, payment and etc. to PRC at least 15 working days prior to offering of the course. The company should be an accredited PRC CPD provider to do this. If not, then they have to apply first to become CPD provider and the process is more tedious than the program application.

If the program caters wide range of profession, for example is the Basic Life Support course wherein nurses, doctors, PTs, RTs, RMs and others attend the course, you have to make sure that the program is applied to your profession. How will you know? Check with the provider to make sure you are on the right program.

CPD Program Completion Report

The training center will have you sign an attendance sheet with your PRC ID number before the start or during the course. This will be used for the submission of the completion report. Have you observed that every after a program, you are asked to accomplish an evaluation tool? Well, it is a requirement so you should take an extra heart in filling it out. The provider will tally all the results and submit them to PRC within 30 days after offering the program and this will complete all the necessary documents for the whole process of the application.

CPD Certificates

A provider may give you a CPD applied certificate or a CPD approved Certificate with a program accreditation number on it.

CPD Approved Certificates

This is the kind of certificate you would like to receive because it means that you can use them without any problems since the program is already approved upon receipt of the certificate. Moreover, the program accreditation number is already written on the cert so the PRC will just have to verify it from their system. The encircled data below show the sample accreditation numbers approved by the commission to our programs.


CPD Applied Certificate

What does it mean if you have received a CPD Applied Certificate? It means that the program was processed accordingly but the PRC is still reviewing the application for the number of units they will credit the program. The approval usually takes months after the application.

Can you use the CPD Applied certificate? Yes of course! Only if the program has been approved by the PRC already. How will you know? You can visit for the list of approved programs and providers. This is also the website you would want to visit if you would like to know how many units the program was approved with and the accreditation number for the program you have attended.

What if you need the certificate already and the PRC has not yet issued any units yet? Well the process is this, they will allow you to borrow 15 units so you can renew. If this is the case, you will need to sign an undertaking form.

CPD Unit approval

CPD unit approval depends on PRC council upon checking the provider’s application. Some apply repetitive programs 2-3 months ahead but they receive different approved units for a specific program. Well, let us leave the checking to PRC. Let us just remind you that the provider cannot control the standardization of the units.

Length of Processing

According to the latter part of application form it should be 45 days but some applications take more than the set duration depending on the council involved. Some applications take around 6 months or more based on experience.


If you have received your CPD Applied Certificate, check first the accreditation number and take note of it. Write it down on a piece of paper or at the back of your certificates so you will have smooth transaction at PRC. If your program is not yet approved, please do not panic. We just hope you have read the details above to guide you.

You can also call your provider to check if your program has been approved already if you are having a difficult time.

Wendy S.L. RN



Wendy J-sl